Thursday, November 10, 2016

Equilateral Triangle Quilt Part 4- Finished Quilt Top

My apologies for the delay with the tutorial.  I was in England, and yes I had a wonderful time! I will have some blog posts about the trip and my crafting adventures there in upcoming posts.  For now lets finish up this quilt top!

So picking up where I last left off I finished sewing all of my rows together and pressing them.
This is the back to show you how I pressed each row in alternating directions.

Then I began sewing the rows together making pairs.
Remember how I said I alternated which direction I pressed my seams? This is where that comes into play.  When the edges are lined up for sewing the intersecting seams just nest together against each other.
If you managed to keep a consistent seam allowance during the piecing of the rows, and did a good job pressing and nesting your seams your finished quilt will show it.  Look at those intersecting points!

Keep sewing the rows together until your quilt top is complete.  Then step back and enjoy your beautiful work!

So what do you think?  I will admit the triangles may be a bit challenging if this is your first quilt, or even your second. I had to rip out a few seams myself and I have been sewing for years, it happens.   However, if you are patient, think about each step as you go along and pay attention to your seam allowances you can do it! As always questions, comments and sewing tips are always welcome and appreciated!

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